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t - .1Specifics - Police Prayer "Police Prayer" -- Optional: Leave a personal message in "Note to Seller" section at checkout!

t - .1Specifics - Police Prayer

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$ 6.00

"Police Prayer" -- Optional: Leave a personal message in "Note to Seller" section at checkout!

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"Police Officer's Prayer"    
Dear Lord,
Every time I'm called to a scene
Please help me to remember, it could've been me
Help me to remember, the only reason
      I'm in charge
Is because you gave me the authority,
      to protect and uphold the law.
Please help in every decision, every
      arrest, in every case
Always mindful that your purpose, for
      each person, is to be saved
Help us treat the community less like
      strangers and more like friends
Avoiding prejudices and biases that
      can lead to a destructive end
Lord allow us only to use force as a
      last resort
Remembering in the end, we'll have to
      give a final report
Help us to be a good example on and
      off the job
For you are also protecting us and our
      families with love
Lord, please help me to remember, it
      could've been me
But only by your grace, you changed
      my destiny
I am blessed